215-257-1565 • fax: 215 - 257-3322 • email: wyndmorKNL@aol.com
Business Hours: Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 5 • Sat: 9 - 5
von Wyndmoor breeds and imports the highest quality German Shepherds Dogs. There are almost always good prospects at the kennel or Jim can custom import a dog for your special needs. He speaks the language so he can translate to you what can be a very confusing adventure in locating your future working dog.
Jim specializes in German Shepherd Dogs for the home, Schutzhund, police and area protection. He has been involved in all facets of German Shepherd Dogs for well over 24 years and will help educate you to make the correct choices. Take the time to compare the assets, knowledge, and experience of von Wyndmoor and you will see first hand why we are your best choice for finding your perfect dog.
A satisfied New Jersey Sheriff writes:
I just wanted to drop you a quick line and let you know Orry is doing awesome. He is living home with me and the family and adjusting great. His tracking is outstanding, although recent weather has put some halt on tracking we are getting them in when we can. Obedience is coming along great I’m just a bit awkward and its more us getting used to each other. His bite work is going great as well, nice strong grip, great drive and really clean outs. Just wanted to thank you again I could not be happier with him and cant wait to be on the road working calls together.
Sincerely, Tom R.
“a” normal hips and elbows, AD, ready for IPO2, IPO3
Orry is a beautiful, large substantial, all black German Shepherd male with a strong character. Born in 2009 Orry is ideal for sport, police or personal protection. Click to see Orry Pedigree.

Premium Dog Training Supplies

Photo credits: Many thanks to Melanie Howe for these and numerous other photos on this web site

von Wyndmoor • 47 Ridge Road, PO Box 1 • Tylersport, PA 18971 • 215-257-1565 • fax: 215 - 257-3322 • email: wyndmorknl@aol.com